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![]() Strengthening of self-dependence of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic
Diaconia ECCB, Centre of Relief and Development, funded by Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH)
February -August 2024
The project aimed to strengthen the self-reliance of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic by providing comprehensive and professionalized services to improve their integration into local communities and to support their ability to cope with everyday life situations. The project was coordinated by DECCB-CRD, services were provided by its partners in five local Diaconal Centers, Diaconia Centre of Nationwide Programmes and Services Prague, and organization Romodrom.
The evaluation analyzed and assessed the project approaches, implementation and activities, considering the specific social and institutional context of the Czech Republic. The principal purpose of the evaluation was to obtain information about strengths and weaknesses of the project itself and provide specific, actionable recommendations and best practice models which could be replicable in the future. |
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![]() Dialogue for a global society
Caritas Czech Republic, funded under the EU OP Prague - Growth Pole of the Czech Republic
January - December 2023
The evaluation covered the implementation period January 2023 - December 2023. The project aimed to create better conditions for the involvement of young people in civil society at the local to ensure that the participating municipalities and entities are able to motivate and to subsequently involve young people in addressing local and global challenges and thus exploit their full potential. The broader intention of the project was to contribute to a positive change in the perception of global issues and the interconnectedness of the world in Czech society.
The assignment included interim and final evaluations to allow for possible adjustments in planning and implementation, to assess likely impacts and to create an example of good practice transferable to the field of global development education and awareness. |
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![]() External Evaluation of the Project Academia Young Caritas
Caritas Czech Republic, funded under the EU OP Prague - Growth Pole of the Czech Republic
December 2021 – November 2023
The project works with teachers and other education professionals in participating schools to systematically deepen their knowledge and skills in the social pillar of sustainable development, with the aim to fosters an environment that motivates students towards social cohesion, encourages them to respect socio-cultural diversity, develops their relationship with their social environment and deepens pro-inclusiveness. This education is gradually integrated into the teaching/refresher of various subjects.
The evaluation has been implemented in collaboration with the lead analyst for validation of the educational programme and in coordination with the programme methodologists to verify the relevance of the concept and the educational programme in pedagogical practice (formative evaluation) and to assess its effectiveness and impact on the teachers and students summative-outcome evaluation. |
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![]() Evaluation of the project - Partnership through Dialog for Sustainable Development
Caritas Czech Republic, 90% co-funded by the Czech Development Agency
May – December 2021
The project implemented between February – December 2021 aimed to actively involve at least 10 partners - representatives of the civil, public and private sectors in the Young Caritas platform and, in cooperation with these partners actively contribute to raising awareness of selected sustainable development goals, to increasing impact of non-formal education under the Young Caritas platform, and to developing active citizenship of young people. Particular focus was on the SDGs Good health and well-being (SDG 3), Reduced inequalities (SDG 10) and Climate action (SDG 13) – reflecting the long-term strategy of Caritas Czech Republic. The ultimate outcome of the project will be a stable network of partners with whom Caritas will cooperate on a long-term basis in raising awareness about Czech Development Cooperation and implementing Agenda 2030.
The assignment included formative and summative evaluations. The formative evaluation informed on the functionality of the approach and the need for possible adjustments, creating an example of good practice in interconnection and cooperation across selected sectors – SDGs, transferable in global development education and awareness raising as well as in other contexts of Caritas’ activities. The summative evaluation focused on the assessment of the outcomes before the end of the project. Focus of recommendations was on effectiveness of processes and sustainability of the Young Caritas platform. |
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![]() Evaluation of the pilot project - Increasing Access to and Creating Health Care Options for the Homeless
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, funded by the European Union, ESF OPZ
November 2020 – October 2022
The project supported four pilot doctor’s offices in Olomouc, Ostrava, Pardubice and Prague with the aims to increase the availability of and access to health care for homeless people and to examine the effectiveness of linking social and health services for this target group. Support covered: Provision of health care and social outpatient and field services. Educational and awareness raising on infectious and non-infectious diseases. Payment for education related to care of homeless people to healthcare professionals and non-healthcare workers. Other project activities included informing the target group on care options and a conference.
The evaluation covered the project implementation process and an assessment of changes in the availability of health care for homeless people in the four pilot doctor’s offices. The process evaluation focused on the method of project implementation, strengths and weaknesses and proposed recommendations for the final phase of project implementation and follow-up. Findings and conclusions from the summative evaluation provided basis for recommendations on the possible institutionalization of the piloted approach. Design of the summative evaluation were quasi-experimental, using pre-and post- non-equivalent comparison design. Counterfactual approach by comparing intervention and comparison groups by propensity score matching has been used to estimate causal effects. |
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![]() Evaluation of the project “Introduction of Quality Standards for Volunteer Work in Social Services”
Slunecnice, z.s., funded by the European Union from the European Social Fund (ESF)
October 2020 – May 2022
The project supported six social service providers – project partners - with setting up a unified system for the recruitment and management of volunteers that is compliant with standards and legal requirements of the relevant Czech legislation and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The process evaluation encompassed: Initial assessment of personnel capacities, review of partners’ methodologies on their compliance with requirements of relevant Czech legislation and the EU GDPR, recommendations for follow up. Capacity building workshop addressing specific weak-links identified during the initial assessment. Mid-term review to assess the progress on capacity building and compliance. Capacity building workshop addressing specific weak-links identified during the mid-term review. Final assessment of compliance and capacities including learning workshop. The evaluation used mixed methods. |
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![]() Evaluation of the project - SDGs and Migration – Multipliers and Journalists Addressing Decision Makers and Citizen's in the EU
Diaconia ECCB Centre of Relief and Development, funded by the European Union
August 2020 – April 2022
The project SDGs and Migration – Multipliers and Journalists Addressing Decision Makers and Citizens in the EU was funded by the European Union under the Raising public awareness of development issues and promoting development education in the European Union (DEAR) program. It aimed to raise public awareness on the sustainable development goals, migration and the relationship between them. The project is implemented in Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The theory-based evaluation covered assessment of relevance, efficiency and impact of the project, formulation of recommendations to inform future planning and guidance on future modalities of existing partnership between Diaconia ECCB as the Coordinator and partner NGOs. |
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![]() Professional guarantor of the evaluation of the pilot project - Creating a System of Social and Health Care Interface in the Vysocina Region
Vysocina Region, Czech Republic, funded by the European Union from the Operational Programme Employment
June 2020 – March 2023
The project piloted a new systematic approach to improving the coordination and effectiveness of health and social services for Long-term care clients. The aim was to provide inclusive, affordable and equal access to optimized and integrated services by encompassing social and health care under one coordinated system. The main innovation is a Portal of social and healthcare interface and the application of an LTC care model.
The Professional Guarantor cooperated closely with the Vysocina Region, the Evaluator and the supplier of quantitative and qualitative research and was responsible for quality assurance of all evaluation outputs including the Evaluation Plan, Intermittent and Final Evaluation Reports, of the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, and of analysis of data from the Social- and Healthcare interface Portal. Provided recommendations to the Vysocina Region on how the system works and where it needs improvement. |
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![]() Monitoring and Evaluation of the FIT FOR LIFE II Project
Dobrovolnické centrum, z. s., funded by the EU OPE
August 2019 – July 2021
The project aimed to improve employability of youth in the age group 15 - 30 years with low education by improving their qualification and motivation. It was implemented in Ústí nad Labem by Dobrovolnické centrum, z. s. and funded from EU OPE. Key activities included assessment of individual needs, individually tailored professional support and internship in Germany.
4G eval supported the setting up and implementing of the monitoring and evaluation system. This included the preparation of a monitoring and evaluation plan with tools for data gathering and evaluation matrix, implementation support with baseline, mid-term and final evaluations as well as with the use of the monitoring system and preparing illustrative case studies. Information from evaluations and monitoring informs the management and planning of project activities and will be considered by the formulation of future similar interventions. |
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![]() Monitoring and Evaluation of the - Prevention Program FIT FOR LIFE in Usti nad Labem for endangered young people 15+
Dobrovolnické centrum, z. s.
June 2019 – December 2020
The Prevention Program “Fit for Life” aimed to decrease criminogenic behavior of youth in the age group 15 – 26 years by increasing their resistance to socio-pathological behavior and increasing their social integration. The project was implemented by an NGO Dobrovolnické centrum, z. s. supported by an interdisciplinary preventive team.
4G eval provided support with setting up the monitoring and evaluation system. This included baseline survey, formulation of the Theory of Change and evaluation matrix, design of monitoring tools. Mid-term evaluation provided assessment of efficiency and of implementation progress in relation to the program’s purpose, objectives, outputs and activities. Recommendations informed possible modifications of the Theory of Change and revision of assumptions and risks. Final evaluation focused on the assessment of results, lessons learned, examples of good practice. Close involvement of and consultations with the implementing NGO contributed to the usefulness of monitoring tools and recommendations. |
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![]() Assessment of Predefined Projects financed from the Funds of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Norway 2014 - 2021 – II
Ministry of Finance, Czech Republic
April 2019 – December 2020
In the Czech Republic grants are allocated mainly to projects in the areas of research and innovation, environmental protection, cultural heritage and cultural cooperation, public health, education and cooperation in justice. Great emphasis is given on human rights, the inclusion of Roma and the development of civil society.
Tasks included: Drafting assessment form and checklist, assessing proposals and preparing experts’ reports for some 20 predefined projects, assessing and reviewing submitted additional information, processing the grant application review and participation in meetings with the Applicant and Client. The assessments encompassed: Verification whether the project under consideration fulfills and is consistent with the set parameters. Assessment of the logical framework including indicators, assumptions and risks and of the activity plan. Assessing the appropriateness of the required funding to the objectives and content of the project, implementation capacities, relevance, anticipated benefits. Assessment of publicity as per requirements of the EEA and Norway of risks and mitigation measures, consistency with regulatory framework as well as of economic, institutional and legal sustainability. Identification of possible conditions for grant allocation. |
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![]() Evaluation of the Czech Development Cooperation Program Temporary Expert Assignment
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
April – October 2019
The aim of the program is to support the institutional capacity and development of legal framework in partner countries thru sharing transformation experience of the Czech Republic. Focus is on thematic areas consistent with the priorities of partner countries as reflected in the respective development cooperation programs.
The main purpose of the evaluation was to obtain independent, objective and consistent findings, conclusions and recommendations for decisions making by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Czech Development Agency and other actors, about the future orientation and implementation of the Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic considering the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and The Development Cooperation Strategy of the Czech Republic for the period 2018 - 2030. The evaluation approach was compliant with Czech and international criteria and professional norms and standards. The evaluation was performed in accordance with the internationally recognized OECD/DAC criteria with emphasis on recommendations related to systems and processes, including systemic recommendations related to implementation of evaluations. Cross-cutting principles of the Czech Republic Development Cooperation (Good governance, Environment and sustainable development, Human rights and Gender equity. |
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![]() Evaluation of the Disaster Preparedness through Community Resilience Building, Education and Experience Sharing Project
Diaconia of the Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren (DECCB)
February – April 2019
The aim of the project was to increase the overall resilience and preparedness of municipalities and citizens for the events of natural disasters – floods, in four flood prone municipalities located in the river basins of the Labe and Cista rivers.
The main purpose of the evaluation was to obtain independent, objective and consistent findings about the strengths and weaknesses of the ongoing project, to formulate specific recommendations and to identify good practice examples that will help the DECCB in preparing new disaster preparedness and prevention interventions. The evaluation also addressed potential capacity gaps within the current project staffing, complementarity with and additionality to the current national crisis management system as well as the extent to which the project adhered to the humanitarian aid standards including SPHERE. |
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![]() Evaluation of the project Sustainable cities and municipalities for development II
Caritas Czech Republic, funded by the Czech Development Agency
November – December 2019
The project funded by the Czech Development Agency was implemented by Caritas CZ in cooperation with the Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic. The project followed on previous interventions in support of the implementation of Agenda 2030 by increasing capacities of municipalities and local self-governments to prepare and to implement, in cooperation with local organizations and citizens, globally responsible activities relevant to their specific context and needs.
The evaluation focused on efficiency of project processes and procedures (process evaluation), assessment of relevance and usefulness for the 10 participating municipalities and local administrations, and the likelihood of sustainability of the project results. Recommendations inform the planning of future interventions addressing sustainable development goals. |