Rural Water SupRural Water Supply and Sanitation Project: The Preparation of Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Documents, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Financial Management Technical Assistance (ID: 27, project ID: 26)
Rural Water SupRural Water Supply and Sanitation Project: The Preparation of Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Documents, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Financial Management Technical Assistance

Rural Water SupRural Water Supply and Sanitation Project: The Preparation of Feasibility Study (FS), Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Documents, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Financial Management Technical Assistance

The Project aims to improve the current situation in the water supply and sanitation sector, with focus on nine districts in the Khatlon region. The areas covered by the Feasibility Study included Vakhsh inter-district water supply system, Vose District and Danghara – Temur Malik area. Vose District has been selected for the Detailed Design.
4G eval provided the services of International Social Expert, International Environmental Expert, local Legal Expert and Local Coordinator. Services included coordination at the local level and contributions to the Feasibility Study (Environmental and Social Analysis) to the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and to the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP). The latter included monitoring plans for each project zone, institutional arrangements and responsibilities, human resources required for implementation, capacity building and training needs, reporting arrangements and modalities, monthly compliance checklist and report format, proposed disclosure procedure and arrangements and cost of ESMP implementation.
Nurek Water and Wastewater Project, Corporate Development, Social Support and Stakeholder Participation Programme (ID: 24, project ID: 23)
Nurek Water and Wastewater Project, Corporate Development, Social Support and Stakeholder Participation Programme

Nurek Water and Wastewater Project, Corporate Development, Social Support and Stakeholder Participation Programme

The Water Supply Company of the city of Nurek was established and started to operate as an independent business entity in 2014. The Company provides water supply and wastewater treatment services to the city as well as to parts of two adjacent districts. The project complemented the rehabilitation of the water supply system and selected wastewater improvements and aimed at improving billing and collection efficiency and financial and operational management, leading to the ultimate reduction in operating and maintenance costs for water supply and reducing wastage of water. It encompasses institution building assistance to the Company in the form of a Corporate Development Programme, Social Support Programme, and a Stakeholder Participation Programme.
Consultancy services focused on supporting the service provider and the city with: Establishing and mainstreaming environmental management processes and management systems compliant with relevant standards and procedures. Developing effective social protection measures for households unable to pay tariffs. Facilitating inclusive dialogue between the service provider, clients and other relevant parties. Raising awareness on issues related to water supply and sanitation and encouraging transparency. Identifying opportunities aimed at promoting equal access to employment and skills.
Tajik Water II – City of Khorog - Corporate Development and City Support Programmes (ID: 22, project ID: 21)
Tajik Water II – City of Khorog - Corporate Development and City Support Programmes

Tajik Water II – City of Khorog - Corporate Development and City Support Programmes

The city of Khorog has a population of about 30,000 and is located in the mountainous eastern part of Tajikistan in the Pamir Mountains. Water supply and sanitation services are provided by the Khorog Water Company. The objective of this project was to assist the Company to further improve its institutional development, building on the improvements made in a previous phase. The project consists of three parts: Part I – Continued Corporate Development Programme; Part II – Stakeholder Participation Programme; and Part III – Continued City Support Programme.
Consultancy services encompassed: (i) Support with the preparation and implementation of Gender and Equal Opportunities Plan: Review of equal opportunities and gender issues to be addressed within the Company as well as in service provision. Formulating Gender and Equal Opportunities Plan; support with the implementation of agreed measures. (ii) Support in environmental management: Review of the existing Environmental Action Plan (EAP) and environmental management system; identification of areas for improvement; establishing awareness of environmental responsibility; recommendations for improvements and for further development of the EAP. Implementation support of the updated EAP. (iii) Support the Company and the City in the planning and implementation of the Stakeholders’ Participation Programme aimed at enhancing public ownership by encouraging water conservation, increasing public participation in the provision of water and wastewater services (service quality, rehabilitation activities, tariffs integrating poverty and social issues) and raising public awareness on issues related to the project implementation and water use.